Need a Great New Podcast?

Check out these Four Educational and Entertaining Podcasts!

Four Educational and Entertaining Podcasts
October 17, 2021 Rachel Linch
Woman enjoying a podcast

Four Educational and Entertaining Podcast Recommendations

By Rachel Linch

Until a couple of years ago I didn’t really understand the point of podcasts. I remember thinking, “Why would someone want to listen to other people talk? Why not just listen to music?”

To be fair, at the time I also thought all podcasts were about true crime and that is not really my jam. Then, during the summer of 2018 everything changed. I found myself spending about an hour every day commuting to my internship and it was tough. Suddenly I found myself getting tired of my favorite songs and that is when I discovered there is a world of great podcast content out there.

Nowadays I listen to multiple different podcasts throughout my week- even though I don’t commute anymore because I’m living that work from home life. I can genuinely say listening to podcasts is one of my favorite things to do now. Even better, I’ve discovered that listening to certain podcasts can even be good for your brain. It’s a win-win.

During my time as a podcast listener, I’ve learned about which streaming services I enjoy listening to and how to find shows I enjoy. Curious about exploring the world of podcasts for yourself? Check out this starter kit to learn more about where and how to listen to podcasts.

I also really love recommending podcasts to people- especially shows that I think will be encouraging, entertaining, and helpful. I’ve compiled a few education-focused podcasts* I think you might enjoy and consider adding to your listening routine.

Four Awesome Podcasts

Whether you’re currently an educator, are an aspiring teacher, or just consider yourself a student of life, here are four podcast shows I highly recommend:

1. The Lazy Genius Podcast

This show is all about being a “genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.” What exactly does that mean? Host Kendra Adachi breaks it down in weekly episodes by covering a variety of different topics from cooking chicken to making new friends. If you’re looking for a practical and encouraging podcast that “welcomes you into an easier way,” look no further than the Lazy Genius Podcast.

Bonus tip: If you’re looking for a good place to get started, check out Episode #200 The Lazy Genius Starter Kit: 20 Episodes That Will Immediately Change Your Life.

2. What Should I Read Next?

Have you ever finished a really great book and suddenly found yourself scrambling to figure out which book to pick up next? Host Anne Bogel has been there which is why she created this podcast. Each week she does a “little literary matchmaking” with one guest and interviews them about books they love and books they don’t like so much. Then, she uses that information to make recommendations on what they could read next.

If you are in search of a good book recommendation that you are going to actually enjoy, this is a great show to check out. Bogel talks to a variety of readers and always bring the focus back to the purpose of the show: “to give you the information you need to choose your next read.”

3. Unlocking Us with Brené Brown

You might know Brené Brown from her powerful TED talk about vulnerability that has been viewed over 16 million times on YouTube. She is a research professor at the University of Houston who has “spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.” In January 2020, she started this podcast to have “conversations unlock the deeply human part of who we are, so that we can live, love, parent, and lead with more courage and heart.”

On this show Brown does a great job authentically covering topics such as setting boundaries and finding healing with a diverse group of guests. Whether you’re one of the 16 million who viewed her TED talk or are brand new to Brown’s work, this is a podcast worth listening to.

4. Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers

Calling all educators and aspiring teachers! This podcast was created by host Angela Watson to “speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators.” With over five million downloads, this show covers a variety of relatable topics for teachers like grading tips and advice for avoiding burnout. This is a great podcast for any educator or aspiring teacher to add to their podcast rotation.

Also, if you have an interest in education or would like to become a teacher then iteach can help. Learn more here about how you can get your alternative teaching certification and start making an impact on students’ lives.

Happy Listening!

That is a roundup of a few of my favorite educational podcasts right now. I hope you find some time to check them out and enjoy these shows as much as I do. Regardless, may you enjoy discovering the world of podcasts for yourself!

Do you have a favorite podcast? Share it in the comments so we can check it out.

*I am including a link to each official podcast’s website. I can confirm all these shows are available to stream on the most popular streaming services: Spotify, Apple, and Google podcasts. However, there are many different streaming platforms you can listen to these shows on so if you want to find it on another platform just search the show title wherever you prefer to listen to podcasts.

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