Certification Flexibility for Teachers Under an Intern Certificate Due to COVID-19

Certification Flexibility for Teachers Under an Intern Certificate Due to COVID-19
April 23, 2020 Eddie Renz
African American male working on teacher certification

Certification Flexibility for Teachers Under an Intern Certificate Due to COVID-19

While many teachers have completed all requirements to receive their standard certificate by the end of this Spring semester, some teachers have been unable to complete the PPR test due to the closure of testing sites. TEA has provided guidance for those teachers currently under an Intern Certificate who have yet to pass their PPR test so they may be certified for the 2020-2021 school year.

Teachers who have completed all certificate requirements, except for their PPR test, will be eligible for a one-year Probationary Certificate for the 2020-2021 school year. The state has allowed for a limited window of opportunity to take advantage of this one-year Probationary Certificate. Eligible candidates will be able to apply for this one-year Probationary Certificate from May 15th – June 15th. If the teacher does not apply for the Probationary Certificate by June 15th, they will be required to have the PPR test passed for issuance of any certificate. The Probationary Certificate will be valid for only one year, and teachers must complete the PPR test during this time to receive their Standard Certificate. Upon passing the PPR test, the teacher will be able to apply and be recommended for their Standard Certificate.

The one-year Probationary Certificate flexibility should aid districts in the contract renewal process. It would be wise to mandate the teacher to apply for the one-year Probationary Certificate between May 15th and June 1st as part of the contract renewal process.

We have begun the process to communicate this with our candidates and will continue to monitor their process to ensure recommendation of a Standard Certificate or the one-year Probationary Certificate.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Full guidance from TEA can be found here.